Saturday, October 27, 2012

Black Storm: Tornado Strikes Back

Yes the tornado our mod campaign has strikes back on the testers games with painful effects. The tornado has not pass game any kill or damage to player units. So we decide to upgrade them which allow them to toss a vehicle and take hall points. and Take 16 units of Tyranids. This been hard get them to objects or units of each turn. Let us explained how they work In begin of the game mission there one tornado automaticly in middle of battle field next a person roll 1 D6 dice (6 sided dice) if roll a 3 or high the number of tornado will increase if not then just the 1 tornado then. For 3+ roll system goes  3 will gain 1 extra tornado, 4 will spawn 2 extra tornado's , 5 will spawn 3 extra tornado's, or 6 will spawn in 4 extra tornado's. As done with that a person roll another 1 d6 for mystery objects drops, Slay the Warlords,  and Night Fighting Rules (since it is a bad storm), which in the official Warhammer 40K 6th edition rule book. Now I forgot How big these Twister are um....
One CD Size that equal to one Large Blast Template. CD works the best since some units need the template for fire at enemy units.
So when all the amount of twister on center. After both are ready to fight the begin of each player turn must roll 2D6 and one Scatter dices and move disk or template what direction the scatter dice point to. Then after moving twister then they roll 1D6 and scatter to detriment Wind direction. The D6 is roll for how powerful is the wind so if player unit is move against the wind take there normal move - the one 1D6 was a 3 then 1 inch off, if rolled a 4 then 2 inch off, if rolled a 5 then 3 inch off, if rolled a 6 then 4 inch off. if hit direct hit system on scatter dice there no wind. However wind changes after all the tornado have move.

If any Twister come to contact or pass though them that each model in that unit  need do strength test 
if roll over a object the person who place the object there need to roll a 1D6 and need to be greate then one or the object get suck up.
For any vehicle get hit or pass over need roll a 1D6 and make 4+ save if not that unit take 1 hall point then rolls 1D6 scatter dice the vehicle can take more hall damage if hit terrain.

Here some photo of us play this campaign.
Tau Empire vs  Necrons
 Tau Empire vs Dark Eldar

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

40K Mod

This blog decade to Warhammer 40K tabletop and using the 6th edition rules set the past month were been learn about how Warhammer 40K works. With that I been place lead of Game play came up new campaign. which is storm that is spawn in game and moves around with mix of mystery containers which have chances to good and bad like land mine.

Next time I will be showing photo of me play my army